PTSD Healing

Your Soul’s Nature is to be free from pain

Imagine reaching a point in your life where you become free from all the pain, stress and anxiety that PTSD has caused in you. Where you reach a balanced state that allows you to carry on with all your hopes and wishes to make a positive impact in this world. This is not a dream.
This can become your reality.

The Path to Healing

Are you tired of not feeling like yourself anymore after a traumatic event? Do you feel like you are full of anger, pain and anxiety and you don’t know how to let go of these feelings? Life is not the same and you want to be able to enjoy it, but don’t know what to do about it? Do you feel like doctors say that the only way to be “okay” and “somewhat back to normal” is through medication, but you know there’s got to be a natural and spiritual way to healing your self? When you release the toxins that were created as a result of the traumatic event, then the true healing process begins and your freedom is back.

Could this be you? ….pfff!!!

You feel like you are always on guard, cautious, hypervigilant, or alert. You feel like you cannot trust anyone. You can’t get any real sleep because you are constantly haunted by flashbacks, nightmares, and negative memories. You get anxiety and panic attacks all the time. You feel you are disconnected from your family and loved ones. You feel alone. Depression and low energy are the norm. You feel that no one understands you. You try to “talk about it” but no words are suffice to express yourself. Or maybe you have visited many counselors and doctors and keep talking about it, but nothing seems to make you feel better.

It’s time to release negativities!

If you are looking to heal from your traumatic event, then the Purnam System might be the answer for you. Without the much-needed right guidance, tools and techniques that are necessary to help release the toxins and negativities, you will lack the real benefits that this healing practice can offer you. When you do not build a strong foundation for healing or are not consistently helping yourself through the techniques, it may take you a very long time to finally heal, if at all. You deserve to be balanced, focused, happy, healthy, positive, and spiritual, despite all that you have gone through.

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder as a result of experiencing a traumatic event such as being in war, sexual assault or abuse, witnessing a terrible event, death, bullying, and even insignificant events depending on how the event was interpreted. Common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, anxiety, depression, recurring nightmares, inner and external violence, no peace of mind, high levels of stress, hypervigilance, fearful living, feeling disconnected, misunderstood and alone, and having sleepless nights. Many live with the symptoms of undiagnosed PTSD and see the negative effects harming their lives without healing themselves. It is never too late to get help.

About the PTSD Healing Course

A holistic and yogic way to heal from trauma.


Finally, an EFFECTIVE way to HEAL FROM TRAUMA. If you have been seeking a healing retreat that incorporates intensive breathing techniques, yoga, special mantras, counseling and deep relaxation in a spiritual environment, you’ve found it!

Our PTSD Healing Retreat is a life-changing intensive program developed by Acharya Shree Yogeesh to help you release the toxins and negativities in your body and mind through intensive breathing combinations. Expelling the toxins can help release you from anger, frustration, irritation, fear, hate, guilt, sleepless nights, flashbacks, memories, revenge, inferiority, imbalance, insecurity, addiction and more. This retreat is not a “magic pill”. However, it does provide you with practical ways to continue healing at home, which you will feel the immediate benefits of when you practice. Whether the traumatic event happened many years ago or just recently, this retreat can help you reconnect to yourself so that your life can be positive, happy, healthy and spiritual.

Our Spiritual Director, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, is a combat veteran and served in OIF III in Tikrit, Iraq, as a convoy medic. She has healed herself completely through the techniques and teachings given in this workshop and has transformed her life.


Course includes:

  • 3 classes for the PTSD Healing course
  • 2 hatha yoga classes
  • 2 mantra & meditation sessions
  • A spiritual retreat experience

Retreat Schedule:


Day 1

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Check-in
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Dinner
6:30 pm: Mantra & Meditation, session 1
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 2

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga, session 1
8:30 am: PTSD Healing, class 1
10:00 am: Brunch with Chai Tea
2:00 pm: PTSD Healing, class 2
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Dinner
6:30 pm: Mantras & Meditation, session 2
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 3

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga, session 2
8:30 am: PTSD Healing, class 3
10:30 am: Brunch with Chai Tea
12:00 pm: Check-out


Day 1

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Check-in
6:30 pm: Mantra & Meditation, session 1
7:00 pm: Dinner
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 2

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga, session 1
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: PTSD Healing, class 1
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm: PTSD Healing, class 2
3:30 pm: Chai Tea break
6:30 pm: Mantras & Meditation, session 2
7:00 pm: Dinner
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 3

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga, session 2
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: PTSD Healing, class 3
12:00 pm: Check-out
12:30 pm: Lunch (Not included. Can be added for $10)

Course FAQ:

Is this course for beginners?

Yes, this course can benefit everyone regardless of any level of experience.

Who is this course for?

Anyone seeking to learn how to holistic and alternative ways to heal from ptsd and trauma.

What do I need to bring for the course?

Bring a notebook and a couple of pens to take notes for class and to reflect.

When is this course offered? Can I attend the course if it's not available on the dates I need?

Check the schedule. You can opt to do an exclusive experience and can come any time for a one-on-one experience so as long as the teacher is available.


$395 Tuition + Accommodations

Schedule and book your PTSD Healing Retreat today.
Give yourself the time, space and perfect place to get away and reconnect with yourself.



In three classes you will receive a complete system with practical tools and techniques to help remove the negativities, toxins, pain, anger and anxiety built up inside you.


Unique divine sounds specially used to remove your PTSD triggers.


Ancient breathing techniques to reduce anxiety levels, depression, stress and pain.


Only taught at Siddhayatan to help you eliminate accumulated toxins and negativities through various combinations of intensive breathing and exercises to help bring your body back to a balanced state.


Use the arrows to find availability for your program(s). If the course is not offered on your preferred dates, consider signing up for the Exclusive One-on-One upgrade.



Wake up to a fresh start with traditional hatha yoga. The yoga class will help you improve your strength, flexibility, and balance. Begin your day grounded and in harmony giving your body, mind, and soul some love.


Bring your day to a close by chanting ancient mantras. Mantras are divine sounds that help you create positive and healing energy for yourself and others. This energy helps to calm your body and mind, and it can help you connect with your soul.


After mantra chanting, enjoy a guided meditation and silence to merge with yourself at the deepest level. A few minutes of meditation can bring stillness, joy, and peace to your soul benefitting your wellbeing, health, and spiritual growth.


$395     +


Your choice of accommodations




Connect to yourself through nature’s beauty and energy. Enjoy the peace and quiet, rolling hills, sunsets, open skies, moonlit nights, meditate on the grass, and walk the trails. Tune out the world and tune in.

Ancient Spirituality

Be surrounded by monks, nuns, and ascetics in training in a peaceful, quiet, and positively energized atmosphere. Learn ancient and universal spiritual teachings and techniques and how to apply them to modern-day living.

Simple & Clean

Enjoy the relaxing environment of warmth and coziness through simple, clean, and comfortable rooms and facilities. An ashram is a place of spiritual learning and higher thinking — not a resort, hotel, or spa.

Vegetarian Food

Dive into delicious, simple, healthy vegetarian meals from a multitude of cultures. We often serve Indian, Asian, Italian, Mexican and other tasty dishes.

Like-minded Community

Feel free to be and express your true self in a safe, non-judgmental, respectful, and welcoming place. Meet others who are also on their spiritual journey of transformation and self-discovery. New soul friends await.

Serving Others

Attending our courses and retreats automatically supports our efforts to provide education at our children’s school in India, support survivors of human trafficking, and provide a sanctuary for our cows among other causes.


Siddhayatan’s monks, nuns, and team have big hearts and are highly trained to provide you with guidance on the spiritual path, techniques to purify your body and mind, and teachings to uplift and awaken your soul.

Learn more


Stay in simple and clean accommodations. Select from standard and classic single, double, and family guest rooms. 

View all options here.


  • Check-in & Check-out times
  • International travel
  • Local airports
  • Transportation from/to the airport
  • Items to bring

See all information here.


Go for peaceful walks, visit our meditation park, meditate at our temple, take a workshop, water fast, experience silence, or simply relax.

View all activities here.