cleansing your body cleanses your mind and soul.

Imagine if you could get away and be in a beautiful, spiritual, and peaceful environment to experience the wonderful intensity of a cleanse. Even just a few days or a few weeks to detoxify yourself and clear your body and mind can make a huge difference. This is your chance.


Water fasting is a practice that helps you achieve a health and/or spiritual benefit, where you drink only water for a certain period of time. There are different reasons to do a water fast. Many do it for spiritual growth, to test their willpower, to break addictions, to detox and cleanse their body, and lose weight. Spiritually speaking, water fasting is considered one of the best ways to burn karma (toxins). Water fasting creates a fire in the body and helps release negativities and toxins that often affect our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. People have traveled from all over the world to come to our spiritual retreat center to do a water fasting retreat because of the spiritual environment and peace, as well as to eliminate distractions. 

About the WATER FASTING Retreat

Finally, a peaceful and spiritual fasting experience.

Be in a bubble of spirituality, peace, and quiet to achieve your water-fasting goals. While at home it is easy to be tempted to eat food and fall into your eating habits, especially if you have to cook and feed your family, and the mind will try to make excuses and convince you to go back to eating. During your retreat at Siddhayatan, you will be away from temptations and surrounded by a spiritual environment conducive to helping you achieve your goal. Be among monks and nuns whose wisdom and experience fasting will guide you and help you have a safe experience. Receive proper guidance, environment, and encouragement all while you stay in simple and clean rooms where you can relax, cozy up with a book, write endlessly in that journal you’ve been waiting to fill up, view amazing sunsets and sunrises across Siddhayatan’s rolling hills, fill your lungs with pollution-free air, add a course or yoga class (see schedule), and get to participate in healing chants in the evenings. Sip on water throughout your day knowing you are detoxing and healing yourself. What a perfect way to relax during an intense experience!


Retreat includes:


  • (1) Fasting: A Path for Healing, Transformation & Liberation (book)
  • (1) General Fasting Guide
  • Unlimited filtered water
  • (1) daily evening Mantra & Meditation session
  • Personal time to detox, rest, relax, and enjoy
  • Check-in any day (except Sunday)
  • Hatha yoga classes Thurs-Sun (when available)
  • Minimum 2-night stay, maximum 30-night stay

Retreat Schedule:


Day 1

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Check-in
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Dinner (if you decide to eat before your fast begins)
6:00 pm: Mantra & Meditation session
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 2

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga (available to add Thurs-Sun for $25)
6:00 pm: Mantras & Meditation session
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 3 (Last Day)

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga (available to add Thurs-Sun for $25)
10:30 am: Brunch with Chai Tea (if you are eating on your last day)
12:00 pm: Check-out


Day 1

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Check-in
6:30 pm: Mantra & Meditation session
7:00 pm: Dinner (if you decide to eat before your fast begins)
10:00 pm: Lights off

Day 2+

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga (available to add Thurs-Sun for $25)
6:30 pm: Mantras & Meditation session
10:00 pm: Lights off

Last Day

7:00 am: Hatha Yoga (available to add Thurs-Sun for $25)
8:00 am: Silent Breakfast (if you are eating on your last day)
12:00 pm: Check-out
12:30 pm: Lunch (Not included, available to add for $10)

Course FAQ:

When is the water fasting retreat offered?

The water fasting retreat is offered daily.

How long should I fast for?

We recommend following what your body feels and not setting expectations. Every fast is different for everyone. For short term fasts, we recommend 3-5 days. For long-term fasts, we've guided fasts up to 40 days. On average, guests come for 14-day fast.

How do you break the fast?

We follow an ancient Indian tradition of breaking fast safely. We do not break fasts with fruit or raw vegetables.

Do you offer medical services?

We offer and practice fasting for spiritual reasons. We are not a medical facility or medical professionals. We will inquire to see how you're doing; however, we do not offer lab work or any other medical services.


$25 Registration + Accommodations

Schedule and book your Water Fasting Retreat today.
Give yourself the time, space and perfect place to get away and reconnect with yourself.



Unlimited supply of water from our Berkey Filtration System.


Receive fasting recommendations, advice, and spiritual knowledge from experienced monks.

Spiritual, peaceful, quiet, stress-free, and surrounded by nature to make your fast smooth and free of worries.

Supervision while you fast to ensure you have a safe experience.  We are not a medical clinic or facility and do not provide professional healthcare services.

Safe Fast-Breaking
Ancient yogic method of breaking fast to help you jump-start your system. It safely reactivates your digestive system and helps you get back into eating solid foods more quickly.

Receive a book on the ancient spiritual practice of fasting for inner peace, purification, and ultimate soul freedom. Additionally, receive a quick guide to support your fast.



Wake up to a fresh start with traditional hatha yoga. The yoga class will help you improve your strength, flexibility, and balance. Begin your day grounded and in harmony giving your body, mind, and soul some love.


Bring your day to a close by chanting ancient mantras. Mantras are divine sounds that help you create positive and healing energy for yourself and others. This energy helps to calm your body and mind, and it can help you connect with your soul.


After mantra chanting, enjoy a guided meditation and silence to merge with yourself at the deepest level. A few minutes of meditation can bring stillness, joy, and peace to your soul benefitting your wellbeing, health, and spiritual growth.


$25     +


Your choice of accommodations




Connect to yourself through nature’s beauty and energy. Enjoy the peace and quiet, rolling hills, sunsets, open skies, moonlit nights, meditate on the grass, and walk the trails. Tune out the world and tune in.

Ancient Spirituality

Be surrounded by monks, nuns, and ascetics in training in a peaceful, quiet, and positively energized atmosphere. Learn ancient and universal spiritual teachings and techniques and how to apply them to modern-day living.

Simple & Clean

Enjoy the relaxing environment of warmth and coziness through simple, clean, and comfortable rooms and facilities. An ashram is a place of spiritual learning and higher thinking — not a resort, hotel, or spa.

Vegetarian Food

Dive into delicious, simple, healthy vegetarian meals from a multitude of cultures. We often serve Indian, Asian, Italian, Mexican and other tasty dishes.

Like-minded Community

Feel free to be and express your true self in a safe, non-judgmental, respectful, and welcoming place. Meet others who are also on their spiritual journey of transformation and self-discovery. New soul friends await.

Serving Others

Attending our courses and retreats automatically supports our efforts to provide education at our children’s school in India, support survivors of human trafficking, and provide a sanctuary for our cows among other causes.


Siddhayatan’s monks, nuns, and team have big hearts and are highly trained to provide you with guidance on the spiritual path, techniques to purify your body and mind, and teachings to uplift and awaken your soul.

Learn more


Stay in simple and clean accommodations. Select from standard and classic single, double, and family guest rooms. 

View all options here.


  • Check-in & Check-out times
  • International travel
  • Local airports
  • Transportation from/to the airport
  • Items to bring

See all information here.


Go for peaceful walks, visit our meditation park, meditate at our temple, take a workshop, water fast, experience silence, or simply relax.

View all activities here.