exclusive experience 

exclusive.  flexible. customized.

What is the Exclusive Experience?

This experience allows you to attend any program any time, including exclusive courses that are not available in our general schedule. You have full flexibility to select your own dates and attend when it fits your schedule. You also get to take the classes one-on-one with the master and the course will be adjusted to fit your needs.

* Call us at 903-487-0717 to ensure the master is not traveling during your potential dates.


One-on-One Experience

A one-on-one experience allows you to express yourself without the fear of others’ judgment and it also allows the classes and content to be more customized for your needs.

Flexible Scheduling

Our pre-scheduled dates may not work for you. This upgrade allows you to attend based on your availability and calendar. You select your own dates for whichever program you wish to attend.

EXCLUSIVE programs

If the program you wish to attend is not available on our schedule, this upgrade will allow you to pick any course including exclusive courses that are not available in the general schedule.



stress relief

The Stress Relief course offers effective techniques to help you release stress through intensive breathing techniques, yoga postures, guidance, and deep relaxation in a spiritual environment. Learn how to get rid of stress-related toxins, release tension from the body, calm down the mind, balance personal & work life, release suppressed emotions.

ptsd healing

The PTSD Healing course is a transformative intensive program to help you release the trauma, stress, toxins, and negativities stored in your body and mind caused by the traumatic event. Through powerful teachings and breathing combinations you will reconnect to yourself so your life can be more positive, happy, healthy, and spiritual. 

addiction healing

Addiction Healing is a self-empowering workshop to help you overcome your addictions and purify your body and mind through intensive breathing combinations. Through the use of spirituality, yoga, meditation, and alternative healing, we can help you gain willpower, improve your health, and break free from addiction.

laws of karma

The Laws of Karma course teaches students how karma works and how you can work on yourself to burn and reduce the effects of it. Learn the laws of karma, how it affects every thought and action in your life, a practical system to help you burn your karma, and a safe road toward reaching the highest state of consciousness.

use your voice

The Use Your Voice course is a series of empowering workshops taught by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree to help you reclaim your voice as a powerful tool for self-expression. Using your voice is about writing, speaking, and filmmaking –  so you can bring your heart and soul’s message out to the world in an inspiring, impactful way.

couples retreat

The Couples Retreat course allows partners to tune out the rest of the world and life’s many distractions to reconnect with one another in a serene atmosphere and refocus on their relationship. Receive the spiritual guidance of Acharya Shree Yogeesh on how to fully communicate and thrive in harmony with one another.


The Meditation course is for anyone interested in receiving the benefits of meditation, whether you’re brand new to meditation or have been meditating for many years. This meditation program will help you relax, reduce stress, gain clarity and become more balanced, centered, and grounded. Meditation is a practice you can continue at home to advance on your spiritual journey.

awakening the soul

The Awakening The Soul course teaches students who are seeking answers to life’s big questions like, “why am I here?”, “how do I know myself”, and “who am I”. You’ll be guided through a series of classes that dive deep into uncovering your soul’s calling and cultivating positive change in your life. Learn how to reconnect to your authentic self and listen to the whispers of your soul.

Purnam Yoga

The Purnam Yoga course offers intensive breathing techniques and yoga postures, known as the Purnam Yoga System®. Purnam Yoga helps you cleanse your body of toxins and negativities and immediately brings clarity, a sense of lightness, detoxifies the lungs, purifies the blood, and pumps oxygen to the nerves and brain to reduce tension, and improves your ability to meditate deeply.

Chakra Awakening

The Chakra Awakening course teaches students how to activate, balance, and unblock their chakras to grow spiritually and promote healing. Using ancient techniques not taught anywhere else, Chakra Awakening gives you the key to unlocking the power within yourself. You’ll learn how to continue these practices at home to enjoy the benefits for years to come.

health and wellness

The Health & Wellness course combines teachings and techniques designed to improve all aspects of your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. You’ll learn techniques to manage and dissolve stress, overcome anxiety and trauma, break addictions, and cultivate healthy practices to optimize your body’s ability to function and heal itself.

Power of intention

The Power of Intention course guides students through 16 intentions that improve their mental states and that allow you to have balanced, positive, and higher thinking. Learn how to dissolve your ego and shift your thinking into purer and higher thoughts that improve your life, relationships, energy, focus, and karma.

Discover your purpose

The Discover Your Purpose course is for students who feel lost and stuck in a life that doesn’t satisfy the deepp wishes and desires of their heart. Discover Your Purpose is designed to help you find clarity and direction in your life, so you create that action plan and take meaningful steps toward building the purposeful life you want.

transforming anger

The Transforming Anger course helps those whose emotions of anger have negatively impacted their life. Learn how to shift the way you think, talk, and express yourself free from anger’s grip. Transform your anger with specific techniques which expel toxins and force your energy upward, resulting in creating more love, compassion, peace, and balance in your life.

Past life & reincarnation

During the Past Life & Reincarnation course, you’ll learn from Acharya Shree Yogeesh, a living enlightened master, who will guide and help you begin connecting to your past life through special ancient techniques, breathing techniques to clear channels in your brain, Purnam Yoga postures, meditation, relaxation and mantras to calm the mind and activate your past life recollection. 


IMPORTANT: Read this before you register:

  • Call us at 903-487-0717 to ensure your dates and accommodations are available.
  • This upgrade is $1,000 in addition to the course and accommodations cost.